Convertus Group

Convertus Group


Garbage/Waste Services

About Us

Because we care. Because we can.
Our business model is one-of-a-kind and here to inspire and empower communities to give resources new life. At the end of the day, it's about building a sustainable future for our children.

At Convertus we partner with communities to design, build operate and service state-of-the-art organic waste treatment facilities. Our solutions combine quality, creativity and technological expertise to convert organic waste into new resources and tap into their renewable energy potential.

Video Media


  • Waste Management


The London Composting Facility
Convertus processes organics waste management for surrounding municipalities.
Convertus London hosting Tree Depot for Community.
Our employees are at the heart of what we do.

Rep/Contact Info

Ann-Marie Cooper
Human Resources & Communications Manager
Chiara Cruz
Communications Assistant
Bob Kiely