a.s.k Amarachi Kejeh


Business and Management Consulting

About Us

Develop your next strategic plan like a pro, at 10% of consulting fees!

Our DIY Strategic Plan Program helps nonprofits, associations, government, and education institutions develop their strategic plan in a way that is:
-> Collaborative,
-> Affordable,
-> Robust, and
-> Empowering.

Track record:
-> Sector expertise: past clients across agriculture, disability services, education, government, healthcare, humanitarian aid, and more.
-> Global experience: served organizations across North America, Asia-Pacific, and Africa.
-> Recognition: St Thomas/Elgin Under 40 Business Leadership Award (2023).

Next steps:
-> Start your application at www.amarachikejeh.com/diystrategicplan.
-> 10% DISCOUNT automatically available for members of the London Chamber of Commerce.


Join the DIY Strategic Plan program

Rep/Contact Info

Elle Crevits
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View Personal Bio
Chiyemenma Kejeh
PR & Communications Consultant